News and views on climate, energy and politics you won't find anywhere else - Page 7

Protecting the Fraser with song, ceremony and resistance

Indigenous leaders and supporters gather in response to Trans Mountain’s plans to begin drilling under the Fraser river Cottonwood seed blew through the sky like snow and the river ...

How do we democratize a corporate resource colony?

April 23, 2021 | 

With electoral reform off the table, here are seven ways to build people power in B.C. What do you call a place where 17 per cent of the population ...

Plan B: Decarbonize

April 16, 2021 | 

We can’t wait for our leaders to save us. We have to get off fossil fuels. The year was 1994. I was finishing a Bachelor’s of Science degree and ...

Victoria draws the line against Trans Mountain

March 30, 2021 | 

South Islanders draw a symbolic red line to say NO to the Trans Mountain pipeline and oil tanker project Guest post by Dogwood volunteer Lynn Taylor While the rest ...

What could it mean to decolonize “British Columbia”?

Until we reckon with our history of violence and land theft, B.C. will struggle to solve the big problems we face today. In the mid-1850s American miners kidnapped Stó:lō ...

The urgent battle to decarbonize B.C.

Time for emergency measures, at every level of society, to burn less oil and gas “Our government is working hard every day to build real climate action into everything ...

Families, politicians and protectors join #StopTMX day of action

Communities take a stand along the Trans Mountain pipeline route and online on Family Day Trans Mountain recently announced that it was re-starting construction after an extended shut-down. Alongside ...

Old growth trees cleared for Site C dam reservoir

February 16, 2021 | 

While the controversial project sits in limbo, BC Hydro inflicts irreversible damage Guest post by Ken Boon Premier Horgan is spending $3 million a day of our money on ...

If I can’t be a child, I want the rights of an adult

January 20, 2021 | 

Society considers me a woman at the age of seventeen, I want my voting rights to reflect that Working with the Vote 16 BC campaign to lower the voting ...