News and views on climate, energy and politics you won't find anywhere else - Page 11

Opinion: More IPPs are not the energy solution B.C. needs

July 17, 2020 | 

Yes to Indigenous and community-owned power projects, but ending windfall profits by Independent Power Producers is legit   Guest post by John Calvert and Seth Klein. Bill 17 has ...

The world has changed. Why is Canada still in the pipeline business?

Trans Mountain is the wrong line in the sand Last week, three separate oil and gas pipelines were killed in the U.S., starting with the Supreme Court putting the ...

Lost in Transmission

July 14, 2020 | 

BC Hydro debate ignores the urgent need to replace fossil fuels Imagine you arrive home after work and plug in your car. It charges overnight while rates are lower. ...

B.C. pipeline construction could trigger major unrest

Police brutality, climate inaction, denial of Indigenous rights: it’s a political tinderbox Wet’suwet’en families have dried and smoked salmon from the Wedzin Kwa, or Morice River, every summer for ...

Californication: B.C. renewable energy projects get screwed

July 8, 2020 | 

NDP plans to buy power from U.S. while shutting down Indigenous, community renewables The B.C. government is gambling on surplus solar power from California to meet the future electrical ...


July 1, 2020 | 

Dogwood is pausing our spending on Facebook ads Facebook has a notorious reputation. It has undermined democracy through targeted (read: Black) voter suppression and facilitating a breeding ground for ...

Representation matters: LGBTQ+ youth deserve the right to vote

June 25, 2020 | 

The “queerest generation yet” could change the face of justice and rights for the LGBTQ+ community As a sixteen year-old in the year 2020, I am honestly and rightly ...

We Face So Many Crises. Let Youth Lead, Serve and Vote

June 24, 2020 | 

They’ve proven their power, determination and ability to mobilize. Hand over the reins. Originally printed in The Tyee. As the world confronts the global pandemic crisis, many have been ...

Power to the People – webinar

June 22, 2020 | 

Indigenous communities are taking the lead on renewable energy in all four corners of our province. In this webinar, Kai talks with Melina Laboucan-Massimo, host of the new APTN ...