Posts from ‘News’ - Page 48

Getting There

May 7, 2010 | 

By Alan Hedley Hello Dogwooders. I am a recently retired sociology professor from UVic. One thing I learned when I reached age 65 is that people aren’t telling me ...

Harper Avoids the Question

March 17, 2010 | 

I was among the few Canadians to have my question on global warming answered by the Prime Minister, and I would like to share my thoughts. On the issue ...

Unspinning the BC Budget

March 2, 2010 | 

The question you have to ask at the BC budget lock up is what’s the difference between the future the BC government says it’s creating and what the numbers ...

A Public Relations War on all Fronts

March 1, 2010 | 

BC government aims to win hearts and minds in battle to open the province up to more mining, oil and gas Beyond rhetoric about improving competitiveness and establishing the ...

10th Key Question of 2010

March 1, 2010 | 

Question 10: What happened to the Climate Action Team? David Copperfield should visit Stephen Harper and Gordon Campbell to learn how to make things disappear. They are both becoming ...

9th Key Questions of 2010:

February 25, 2010 | 

Question 9: Will budget shortfalls trump action on global warming? The upcoming announcements of the provincial and federal budgets will be litmus tests for whether our governments are more ...

8th Key Questions of 2010: Budget Priorities?

February 24, 2010 | 

 Question 8: Will BC prioritize green jobs and energy conservation or simply more subsidies to fossil fuel companies? Like many British Columbians I await next week’s budget with some anticipation. ...

The Commons

February 23, 2010 | 

There are few places in the world that enjoy a connection to place as passionate and pronounced as the one we benefit from in the CRD.  We have the ...

7th Key Questions of 2010

February 23, 2010 | 

Question 7: Will campaign finance reform happen in 2010? Except for a few party diehards, virtually everyone in BC wants to get big money out of politics. Overwhelmingly, British ...