Posts from ‘News’ - Page 38

The fox guarding the henhouse

August 13, 2015 | 

Even recent history has a tendency to repeat itself. One year ago, in the depths of August, top bureaucrats at Port Metro Vancouver approved a permit for a new ...

Hello, CSIS

August 12, 2015 | 

I should confess: I talk to lamp fixtures. I wink at ceiling vents, sing to the dashboard in my car, apologize to the people eavesdropping on my phone calls ...

North Shore teams talk strategy, gear up for election

By guest writer Sandy Rubin I have been volunteering with Dogwood for close to 2 years. I love the outdoors – hiking, kayaking, biking and camping – and want ...

Why do Conservatives fear Dogwood?

Want to make a difference in the federal election? Come work with Dogwood Initiative. At least, that’s what Conservative Party veterans like Stockwell Day and John Duncan seem to ...

The evolution of an activist

By Dogwood volunteer Lorisa Schouela. Originally printed in Common Ground. One day last July, my life took a decisive turn. The day began much like any other summer Sunday; ...

The Week to End Enbridge

50+ community events with Pull Together in support of First Nations legal challenges to the Northern Gateway pipeline. Our Dogwood community had a jam packed week in support of ...

Is Northern Gateway B.C.’s National Energy Program?

June 19, 2015 | 

This piece originally appeared in the National Post, June 19, 2015. It’s a program that has engendered distrust and alienation between Ottawa and the West: a symbol of the ...

Standing strong in solidarity across the border: celebrating the Salish Sea with the Lummi nation

The Gateway Pacific Terminal at Cherry Point, the Longview coal terminal, and the Fraser Surrey Docks have steep opposition across the border from First Nations and concerned citizens who ...

Economist Robyn Allan withdraws from Kinder Morgan review

May 19, 2015 | 

Robyn Allan has withdrawn as an intervenor in the federal government’s review of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline and oil tanker expansion project, detailing her reasons for quitting in ...