Posts from ‘News’ - Page 11

Webinar: Khelsilem on B.C. Indigenous rights bill

How affordable housing, climate action and Indigenous rights can fit together We were pleased to welcome language teacher, elected councillor and Squamish Nation spokesperson Khelsilem for an hour-long chat ...

Time for a Bloc Cascadien in Canadian politics

With a weak federal government and hostile neighbours, B.C. needs to stand up for itself B.C. is the front line of the overdose crisis and the housing crisis. We ...

Yes, racism is an environmental issue

October 7, 2019 | 

Calls to ‘focus on climate’ above justice or equity are misguided, even dangerous I know what Mike Le Couteur was thinking. When NDP leader Jagmeet Singh stood in Grassy ...

Fishing for votes in Courtenay-Alberni

October 2, 2019 | 

In politics, like on the river, local knowledge goes a long way Port Alberni, Parksville, Courtenay. The Puntledge. The Stamp. The Englishman. Autumn is a time of reckoning in ...

What do we do with this momentum?

After years of groundwork, youth have pushed climate to the top of the national agenda. What comes next? Close to a million Canadians in the street. Groundbreaking resolutions passed ...

Greta Thunberg can’t vote. The rich and powerful like it that way.

September 26, 2019 | 

16-year-olds could boost turnout, revive democracy and keep climate top of the political agenda. A century ago, the people in power came up with some truly ridiculous reasons why ...

Jason Kenney’s Un-Canadian Witch Hunt

September 13, 2019 | 

Alberta premier announces crackdown on climate groups In September 2019, oil evangelist Jason Kenney launched a witch hunt – complete with a snitch line, a bully pulpit and a ...

A crisis of imagination

The spirit Canada needs to fight climate change is missing in action On September 10, 1939, Canada officially declared war on Germany. The vote to support that declaration occurred ...

First Nations head back to court to stop Trans Mountain

Federal Court of Appeal tosses out cases on climate, orcas and Charter rights of youth In a rare public decision, the Federal Court of Appeal announced that six Indigenous ...