Posts from ‘Commentary’ - Page 30

Where was Premier Clark while Della was being arrested?

November 25, 2014 | 

I’m used to singing the national anthem at hockey games, not while watching an RCMP officer put a grandmother in handcuffs. Yesterday, a couple dozen of us walked slowly ...

Sorry if that e-mail I sent was creepy

November 15, 2014 | 

I’m writing to apologise if you’re one of the Dogwood supporters who felt creeped out by an e-mail I sent on Wednesday. It’s the one that showed up in ...

Energy executive blasts Kinder Morgan review as “fraudulent,” quits

November 2, 2014 | 

Marc Eliesen has withdrawn as an intervenor in the federal government’s review of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline and oil tanker expansion project, detailing his reasons for quitting in ...

Democracy in action – Esquimalt

“Democracy in action” captured the scene this week at a lively all-candidates meeting in Esquimalt. It was standing room only as 14 candidates vied for the votes of more ...

It’s time we got the meaningful, democratic process we deserve

Wendy lives in North Delta. She’s been there for nearly 30 years. Wendy’s husband Ted has asthma. Ted’s father and grandfather both died of emphysema, so he’s vigilant about ...

Tough questions for Kinder Morgan at their Twitter town hall

On Oct. 14 Kinder Morgan hosted a town hall on Twitter. We asked members of our social media amplification network to help flood the Q&A with the kinds of ...

Why Dogwood doesn’t endorse

October 21, 2014 | 

So you’re a Dogwood supporter. Imagine you’re at home one evening and the doorbell rings. You open the door. On the front steps you see a person holding a ...

Big waves made in a small community

To tanker or not to tanker, that is the question… that will be on a Sooke referendum this coming municipal election. In a unanimous decision made by Sooke council ...

Testing the Waters in Fort St. John

As much as we are buoyed up by our successes during these early months of the Let BC Vote campaign, many of us would admit to a lingering doubt ...