Posts from ‘In Depth’ - Page 4

Kinder Morgan admits its pipeline may be doomed

Risk disclosure warns investors: be prepared to lose it all It’s a rare dose of honesty from a company with a history of bending the truth. Kinder Morgan filed ...

Climate change is not a left-right issue

March 23, 2015 | 

Climate change shouldn’t be a left-wing versus right-wing political issue. I might take some flak for saying this, but “progressives” who claim only they have the correct ideas to ...

Sorry if that e-mail I sent was creepy

November 15, 2014 | 

I’m writing to apologise if you’re one of the Dogwood supporters who felt creeped out by an e-mail I sent on Wednesday. It’s the one that showed up in ...

Cash Giveaway Sends Startling Message

July 9, 2009 | 

  SMITHERS (July 3, 2009) SkeenaWild Conservation Trust has devised an innovative poster to attract attention to its cause. The poster is entirely covered with removable $5 bills, beneath ...

Enbridge tries to keep community out of community meetings

July 3, 2009 | 

by Josh Paterson West Coast Environmental Law Over the past week, citizens packed the inaugural meetings of the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines’ so-called “Community Advisory Board” in Kitimat, where ...

BC-STV….what’s next?

June 15, 2009 | 

by Jennie Milligan I used to love election day, not because I was excited about voting, but because I felt heartened to see my fellow citizens doing their civic ...

Why carbon taxes won’t work

April 28, 2009 | 

by Cliff Stainsby Second in a series on climate policy “Ban Carbon Emissions, Don’t Price them: Why Cap and Dividend is the Best Approach” identified five criteria for evaluating ...

Fighting to protect Orcas from oil spills

April 20, 2009 | 

Killer whales in BC remain in trouble despite some recent action by thefederal government to designate their critical habitat.  That is why Dogwood Initiative and other environmentalgroups are in ...

Ban Carbon Emissions, Don’t Price them: Why Cap and Dividend is the Best Approach

April 20, 2009 | 

by Cliff Stainsby First in a series on climate policy The current debate over carbon taxes versus “Cap and Trade” is wrongheaded on two counts; (1) it treats global ...