Posts from ‘In Depth’ - Page 2

What I wanted to say at the B.C. NDP Convention

December 7, 2023 | 

In my last blog post, I introduced myself to readers and I spoke about who I am, where I come from, and why I’m excited to lead Dogwood’s fossil ...

Oil and gas lobbyists target B.C. government 1,032 times in nine months

September 28, 2023 | 

In less than a year since energy minister Josie Osborne was sworn in, she, her staff and related crown corporations have had 600 meetings and other interactions with oil ...

Wet’suwet’en chiefs visit New York City

September 28, 2023 | 

The chiefs travelled thousands of kilometres to confront KKR, the Wall Street private equity fund that owns 65 per cent of the Coastal GasLink pipeline. Billionaire founder Henry Kravis ...

Teachings of the Peace & Unity Summit

The Wedzin Kwa (which roughly translates to “blue and green pure river”) is sacred to the Wet’suwet’en. It is one of the last potable rivers in British Columbia and ...

2023: a pivotal year in B.C.’s climate fight

December 21, 2022 | 

The relentless power of the oil and gas industry could be seen in one word spoken last week by B.C. Premier David Eby: “endless”. Two months ago Eby said ...

Guess who’s back in Northern B.C.? Enbridge

November 18, 2022 | 

Remember Enbridge, the arrogant Calgary pipeline company that tried to ram its Northern Gateway crude oil supertanker project through B.C. a decade ago? They’re back with an even bigger ...

Your Fortis gas bill could double – here’s what to do about it

The price of fossil fuels is going up. How to save money, your health and the climate. Like gasoline, natural gas is a fossil fuel that’s getting more expensive. ...

What brings me hope

December 22, 2021 | 

After 2021, it’s hard to say if we’re winning or losing. But we have a responsibility to each other to carry on the fight. My friend said the other ...

How we could stop fracking

November 23, 2021 | 

Everything you need to know about B.C.’s natural gas royalty review B.C. is suffering its worst natural disaster in history. Catastrophic flooding has claimed lives, left thousands stranded and ...