Posts from ‘Retired Campaigns’ - Page 13

More on softwood

January 22, 2004 | 

A quick read of Canadian WTO and NAFTA submissions illustrates Canadian duplicity. Like much publicized white-collar criminals with high-priced lawyers, Canadian companies, provinces and federal government have tried to ...

Privacy, Secrecy, and Democracy

January 22, 2004 | 

The news today was interesting for those who believe in the value of whistleblowers and who are concerned by a trend among some governments to exclude the public from ...

TimberWest sale in the crosshairs

January 22, 2004 | 

The announcement that TimberWest’s TFL near Duncan was sold to Surrey-based Teal-Jones Group is touted as a success for the new Liberal forest policies. In fact, it is just ...

Doman faces First Nations obstacles

January 21, 2004 | 

Once again Doman (Western Forest Products) is seeking an extension from the bankruptcy court. Like most forestry stories in BC, reporting on the Doman bankruptcy has not addressed the ...

The scoop on softwood

January 20, 2004 | 

On January 19, 2003, the World Trade Organization (WTO) Appellate Body released its decision confirming that that Canada subsidizes its forest industry. This is no surprise to those familiar ...

A new rip off of public resources

January 20, 2004 | 

Last week, Premier Gordon Campbell announced upcoming implementation of BC’s pseudo-market based pricing scheme. He announced that as of Feb. 29, timber prices in the coastal industry will be ...

Martin boasts of gains with Bush – but what did he give away?

January 13, 2004 | 

Paul Martin met with George Bush in Monterey, Mexico, this morning. He came away from the meeting “gaining commitments on Canadian passports and participation in the reconstruction of Iraq.”, ...

Anderson versus Efford

January 13, 2004 | 

David Anderson: “If you make the decision to proceed, that’s final. If you make the decision not to proceed, you can always reverse it later. But a decision to ...

Making money talk for BC forests and First Nations

January 6, 2004 | 

US banking giant’s policy helps BC forests & First Nations Decisions in far-off corporate boardrooms have a profound impact in BC. Whether it be Weyerhauser corporate honchos in Federal ...