Posts from ‘Campaigns’ - Page 64

Keeping our oceans oil-spill free

June 8, 2011 | 

(Vancouver, BC) – On World Oceans Day, groups working to protect B.C.’s coast from oil spills are congratulating the federal NDP for choosing to make their first substantive policy ...

First Nations re-ignite Enbridge campaign

May 24, 2011 | 

I’ll be honest: In the days following the federal election, the mood at the Dogwood office was pretty somber. Although we were proud of our accomplishments in B.C., we ...

Will the CRD step up and enforce its own plan?

May 24, 2011 | 

On a rainy afternoon a couple of weeks ago I sat in the boardroom of the Capital Regional District (CRD), and listened intently as directors discussed whether to take ...

May 2nd was an important day in Canadian history

While the unexpected Conservative majority and NDP surge dominated news coverage in the wake of the recent federal election, a less publicized issue had a major impact in key ...

This is what we did

Expect amazing volunteers, hard work and an idea of what the election results mean for keeping oil tankers off our coast.

Why the CRD is broken (and how to fix it)

April 18, 2011 | 

Nothing in the world is static. Biological forces such as natural selection and competition for scarce resources compel organisms to evolve, transform themselves or potentially die out. The same ...

Chocolate with a message

April 15, 2011 | 

In 2009 chocolate-lovers received a special surprise when they opened their Denman Island Chocolate bars. As part of a creative collaboration between Dogwood Initiative and longtime supporter and Denman ...

Canada has more to offer the world than oil

April 15, 2011 | 

Enbridge CEO Patrick Daniel has been getting a lot of attention lately while pushing his view that his Northern Gateway oil supertanker proposal for B.C.’s coast presents a profound ...

NDP leadership candidates support tanker ban

April 15, 2011 | 

There are only two kinds of politicians in B.C.: those who support a legislated ban on oil tankers in northern B.C., and those who are willing to put our ...