Posts from ‘No Tankers’ - Page 15

One step forward, two steps back

In politics, it’s important to remember: Things can change quickly, but they seldom do. Let’s hope Prime Minister Trudeau’s meeting with Premier Christy Clark and the other provincial premiers ...

Gitga’at: Another Legal Earthquake for Oil Pipelines

Another bad day for Big Oil, another really good day for No Tankers supporters.  Enbridge and Kinder Morgan’s already torturous path to push unwanted pipelines through British Columbia was ...

Kinder Morgan Shambles On Thanks To Zombie NEB

Around the Dogwood water cooler, we call the NEB a branch of the Zombie Harper Government (ZHG). That’s because Conservative appointees will be running the show until 2020. The ...

Final Six-Month Countdown Begins for Enbridge’s Northern Gateway Pipeline

January 5, 2016 | 

VICTORIA – Not with a bang but a whimper, the end is finally in sight for Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline and oil tanker project. Enbridge’s failure to find any ...

2015 Year in Review Scrapbook

The Ghost of Government Past

December 19, 2015 | 

Christmas came early this year. It’s been incredible to witness the change that has come over Canada since the federal election. Government scientists are speaking out. Canada took a ...

Liberal MP’s Invite Dogwood to Keep the Conversation Going

December 18, 2015 | 

Dogwood organizers in the ridings of North Vancouver and Burnaby North Seymour had an opportunity to experience the Liberal government’s promise of openness and transparency when they met with ...

Climate action won’t make bitumen float

December 7, 2015 | 

BURNABY – A landmark study released today by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences confirms the worst fears of residents along Kinder Morgan’s pipeline and oil tanker route: diluted ...

The final inch to the finish line

November 18, 2015 | 

I got emotional when I heard that only 10 days after becoming prime minister, Justin Trudeau ordered his ministers to “formalize the moratorium” on crude oil tanker traffic through ...