Posts from ‘No Tankers’ - Page 13

Pipeline panel proves critics correct

Why did Kinder Morgan panel chair publish her opinion before hearings conclude? Can you imagine a judge publishing her opinion on a criminal trial before either side has finished ...

Who’s listening? Speaking to the most powerful people in the room

Kinder Morgan Panel offered us an opportunity to vent but not be heard. Were our efforts in vain? I had a dream last night about the Kinder Morgan panel. ...

Not the leadership I voted for

At Kinder Morgan meeting, one Liberal voter delivers a blistering rebuke of absent MPs Note: The Trudeau government is preparing to make a yes or no decision on the ...

Don’t tell us how you’re different – show us

Botched oil tanker consultations have British Columbians worried. Less than a month after the last election, Natural Resources minister Jim Carr was given fresh marching orders. Carr’s mandate letter ...

Letter shows Trudeau ready to break promise on Kinder Morgan

Oil tanker approval would betray written commitment by Liberals. Sitting in a Burnaby hotel ballroom this week across from three sheepish federal pipeline panelists, I couldn’t help but remember ...

What really matters

Farms and fish, kids and climate change: Surrey and Langley residents came together to show the Trans Mountain Ministerial Panel what’s really at stake. I remember when I first found out about ...

Neither Law nor Order

In Kamloops, dedicated residents raised concerns about Kinder Morgan’s pipeline proposal. These are their stories. The B.C. portion of the Minister’s Kinder Morgan TransMountain Pipeline Expansion panel tour kicked off ...

She was called out for conflict of interest. Her response is bizarre.

Review panel member says her past with Kinder Morgan is no big deal. Imagine in the middle of a murder trial, it turned out one of the jurors was ...

Worse than the National Energy Board?

Conflict of interest, slapdash process drag down Liberals’ Kinder Morgan review First Nations leaders left in the dark. The public, once again, denied the chance to speak. Add to ...