Posts from ‘Climate’ - Page 9

Jason Kenney’s Un-Canadian Witch Hunt

September 13, 2019 | 

Alberta premier announces crackdown on climate groups In September 2019, oil evangelist Jason Kenney launched a witch hunt – complete with a snitch line, a bully pulpit and a ...

A crisis of imagination

The spirit Canada needs to fight climate change is missing in action On September 10, 1939, Canada officially declared war on Germany. The vote to support that declaration occurred ...

Into the climate crisis: a British Columbia journey

While families wait for salmon, floods wash out roads – and a year-old fire smoulders B.C. Day is a chance to count our blessings. So far this summer we ...

Meet Murray Edwards the luckiest billionaire in Canada

Murray Edwards is having a very good week, thanks to your tax dollars What do the Calgary Flames hockey team, the Mount Polley mine and the Trans Mountain oil ...

Red Chamber could block a Green New Deal

Canada’s Senate is unelected, unaccountable – and easily swayed by Big Oil Unelected senators in Ottawa are poised to open B.C.’s North Coast to supertankers full of diluted bitumen. ...

Podcast for May 2019: The Pact for a Green New Deal in Canada

May 10, 2019 | 

This week a coalition of Canadians from all walks of life including labour unions, environmental organizations, Indigenous groups, scientists, and artists came together to launch the Pact for a ...

Parenting in a climate crisis

The year I started having tough conversations about climate change with my four year old My eldest son turned four this year, and since he’s now old enough to ...

How do we pay for a Green New Deal?

First, stop giving public money to oil and gas companies This week, groups across Canada launched a bold plan to fight the climate crisis. The Green New Deal would ...

Why I want the right to vote

April 25, 2019 | 

Guest blog post by Nahira Gerster-Sim My name is Nahira and I was adopted from China. Because of the one child policy, my biological parents felt they were not ...