Posts from ‘Climate’ - Page 4

At this late hour in the climate crisis, every vote matters

June 11, 2021 | 

A razor thin victory at City Hall reminds us how we could lose the climate fight. Late last week, Dogwood caught wind that a seemingly-routine series of staff recommendations ...

Plan B: Decarbonize

April 16, 2021 | 

We can’t wait for our leaders to save us. We have to get off fossil fuels. The year was 1994. I was finishing a Bachelor’s of Science degree and ...

The urgent battle to decarbonize B.C.

Time for emergency measures, at every level of society, to burn less oil and gas “Our government is working hard every day to build real climate action into everything ...

Families, politicians and protectors join #StopTMX day of action

Communities take a stand along the Trans Mountain pipeline route and online on Family Day Trans Mountain recently announced that it was re-starting construction after an extended shut-down. Alongside ...

Old growth trees cleared for Site C dam reservoir

February 16, 2021 | 

While the controversial project sits in limbo, BC Hydro inflicts irreversible damage Guest post by Ken Boon Premier Horgan is spending $3 million a day of our money on ...

The upsides of shutting down Site C

November 27, 2020 | 

Renewables could deliver twice the power at half the price, evening out our losses on the troubled dam Never put all your eggs in one basket. It’s a saying ...

Honey, we need to talk about Site C

November 10, 2020 | 

Giant dam for fracking companies could double your Hydro bill The Site C dam was supposed to be a gift from B.C. taxpayers to international fracking companies. We would ...

Dogwood Live – B.C. Election 2020 Reaction

Recorded on October 24, as the results of the 2020 B.C. election rolled in, Alexandra Woodsworth, Kai Nagata and Lisa Sammartino share their perspectives on the outcome and how ...

We are the official opposition

Under a powerful majority government, it’s up to the people to defend Indigenous rights and the climate The fiery attacks on Mi’kmaq people by commercial fishers in Nova Scotia ...