Posts by Kai Nagata - Page 4

What could it mean to decolonize “British Columbia”?

Until we reckon with our history of violence and land theft, B.C. will struggle to solve the big problems we face today. In the mid-1850s American miners kidnapped Stó:lō ...

The urgent battle to decarbonize B.C.

Time for emergency measures, at every level of society, to burn less oil and gas “Our government is working hard every day to build real climate action into everything ...

Honey, we need to talk about Site C

November 10, 2020 | 

Giant dam for fracking companies could double your Hydro bill The Site C dam was supposed to be a gift from B.C. taxpayers to international fracking companies. We would ...

Winners and losers in the B.C. election

October 27, 2020 | 

Voter turnout crashes. The NDP triumphs. Who stands to gain? Winners: NDP strategists Horgan’s election timing was ruthless but effective: the BC Liberals were saddled with a weak leader, ...

BC NDP supporters dismayed by growing oil and gas subsidies

October 20, 2020 | 

Lifelong orange voters wrestle with party’s lack of ambition on climate Most BC NDP supporters are surprised to learn the Horgan government has increased oil and gas subsidies by ...

BC Liberals struggle to revive campaign

October 16, 2020 | 

A political dynasty implodes. Where does this leave progressive voters? The right-wing coalition that dominated B.C. politics for the last two decades is in disarray, with no realistic pathway ...

BC NDP candidates quiet as oil and gas subsidies soar

October 7, 2020 | 

New Democrats fought corporate welfare for fracking, pipelines. Where’s the party’s “climate caucus” when we need them? Murray Rankin is on his feet, hands outstretched, his voice rising with ...

An update on our mining work

August 4, 2020 | 

Yesterday marked six years since the Mount Polley mine collapse dumped 25 billion litres of toxic waste into the Fraser watershed. The company responsible, Imperial Metals, still hasn’t faced ...

Pipeline supporters plan rally to “reclaim” Indigenous land

Business owners, local politicians want Secwépemc houses removed Angry residents of Blue River, B.C. are calling for a “rally to reclaim the North Thompson Valley” on Saturday, as Secwépemc ...