Posts by Kai Nagata - Page 3

Your Fortis gas bill could double – here’s what to do about it

The price of fossil fuels is going up. How to save money, your health and the climate. Like gasoline, natural gas is a fossil fuel that’s getting more expensive. ...

Oil and gas oligarchs eager to profit from war

March 16, 2022 | 

Death and destruction in Ukraine is their latest excuse to bleed us dry Oil companies love war. Not just because their products propel tanks and fighter jets. Missiles flying ...

Emergencies Act gives more power to unaccountable Canadian police

February 16, 2022 | 

MPs must push for transparency around ‘national emergency,’ swift expiry Eighty years ago my dad’s parents were accused of being enemies of Canada, because their parents were born in ...

Private police, corporate prosecutors target Indigenous leaders

January 12, 2022 | 

Oil companies have a new strategy to put opponents in jail. B.C. is their testing ground. Corporate lawyers, backed by American billionaires, have won the right to privately prosecute ...

What brings me hope

December 22, 2021 | 

After 2021, it’s hard to say if we’re winning or losing. But we have a responsibility to each other to carry on the fight. My friend said the other ...

A failure of leadership

November 17, 2021 | 

Faced with compounding disasters, provincial politicians are stuck in reaction mode. Who will safeguard our communities? As people lay trapped in their cars under tree trunks and mud, B.C. ...

Jason Kenney’s Halloween house of horrors

October 21, 2021 | 

Government twists public inquiry results to spook Albertans Be afraid. And get angry. That’s the message from the Alberta government to oil and gas workers, and their families, as ...

Liberals move to outflank the NDP on green issues

John Horgan, Rachel Notley make things awkward for federal New Democrats When Justin Trudeau was asked by a reporter why he dodged Indigenous youth who traveled from Fairy Creek ...

How do we democratize a corporate resource colony?

April 23, 2021 | 

With electoral reform off the table, here are seven ways to build people power in B.C. What do you call a place where 17 per cent of the population ...