VICTORIA, B.C. – “I believe Clark needs to firmly say no to these risky projects.” That’s the message that thousands of people in Premier Christy Clark’s riding of Vancouver Point Grey received Tuesday and Wednesday night in an automated call from former federal Minister of Environment, Fisheries and Oceans and Clark supporter David Anderson.

The call, organized by B.C. non-profit Dogwood Initiative, was deployed in response to statements by Clark signaling that oil tanker and pipeline projects could win her approval for a price.

“Clark is absolutely right that B.C.’s coast and big salmon rivers would be put in grave danger by these oil tankers and pipelines,” said Eric Swanson, a Director of Dogwood Initiative. “She is absolutely wrong if she thinks that B.C. should accept the risk of an oil spill catastrophe, for a price.”

The message reached a total of 6,877 constituents (4,250 live, 2,627 voicemail).

467 constituents responded to an informal poll that was part of the automated call.
    81% said Clark should say ‘NO’ to both Enbridge and Kinder Morgan’s oil tanker and pipeline proposals;
    7.5% said Clark should say ‘NO’ to only the Enbridge proposal OR only the Kinder Morgan proposal.

Of those who thought Clark should say ‘NO’ to either or both Enbridge and Kinder Morgan’s proposals:
    90% said a deal with Alberta for more money would not change their mind;
    91% said promises of world class safety from project proponents would not change their mind.

A transcript of the recorded call is included below.
Audio of the call is available here:
Dogwood Initiative has been campaigning against oil tanker expansions on the B.C. coast since 2005. Over 130,000 people and 300 businesses have signed our No Tankers petition, available at

July 24th and 25th, 2012
Automated Call Transcript – Vancouver Point Grey

Good evening, I’m David Anderson calling on behalf of the Dogwood Initiative. I served as federal Minister of Fisheries and Oceans and Minister of the Environment in the governments of prime minister Chretien. But for the past 40 years, in and out of politics, I have worked to protect British Columbia’s coast from oil spills.

I’ll keep this message short.

I’m calling to ask for your views on two oil tanker and pipeline proposals for the B.C. coast. After I give some background and my opinion, I would like to hear your views. Your individual answers will be kept confidential, however, if you wish the total results will be emailed to you.

Currently, there are two companies, Enbridge in the north through Douglas Channel and Kinder Morgan in the south through the Gulf of Georgia and the Strait of Juan de Fuca, with proposals that would bring more than 400 crude oil tankers per year to the B.C. coast to ship Alberta’s oil to the Pacific region.

I believe this puts our coast at risk of Exxon Valdez type oil spills as long experience has shown these project involve substantial risk by reason of human and organizational failures and ship or equipment malfunction.

Now it’s claimed that these developments will create jobs. However, no one in media or government seriously doubts that far more coastal jobs in fishing and tourism would be put at risk by these plans than would be created by them.

Your MLA, Christy Clark, is the Premier of British Columbia and she could do more than anyone to stop these projects. So far she has expressed serious doubts about them but she has not taken a clear position in opposition to them.

Now I’m a strong supporter of Ms. Clark and I worked for her on her by-election campaign but I believe she needs to say no to these risky projects.
Well that’s my opinion but now I’d like to hear your views.

Question 1:
“Do you agree Premier Christy Clark should oppose Enbridge’s and Kinder Morgan’s proposals to bring crude oil tankers to the BC coast?”
Press 1 if you AGREE, Clark should say NO to both Enbridge’s and Kinder Morgan’s proposals
Press 2 if you AGREE Clark should say NO to only Enbridge’s proposals in the north
Press 3 if you AGREE Clark should say NO to only Kinder Morgan’s proposals in the south
Press 4 if you DO NOT AGREE

Question 2:
“If the BC government were able to negotiate a deal to receive money from Alberta for the risk of environmental damage from spills from tankers and pipelines, would that deal change your mind?”
Press 1 if YES, it would change your mind
Press 2 if NO, it would not change your mind
Question 3:
“The BC gov’t has asked that the two pipeline companies promise to put world class oil spill response, prevention and mitigation measures in place for crude oil tankers and pipelines. If that promise is made by the companies, would that change your mind?”

Press 1 if YES, it would change your mind
Press 2 if NO, it would not change your mind