News and views on climate, energy and politics you won't find anywhere else

Trans Mountain starts operations after 12-year battle

It was springtime and the blossoms were out in North Burnaby. I remember knocking on doors and gathering with neighbours to push our MLA to take a stand against ...

59 billion mistakes

April 25, 2024 | 

As Dogwood’s fundraising guy, I spend a lot of time crunching the numbers to make sure we can keep doing this important work. Our team knows the value of ...

Springing into Action

A trip to Kwikwetlem territories  At the beginning of spring, I took a trip over to Coquitlam where the incredible volunteers with the Tri-cities Force of Nature Alliance organized ...

Crown wants max jail time for hereditary chief

B.C. crown prosecutors say they will seek up to 90 days in prison for a Wet’suwet’en hereditary chief. Dtsa’hyl was arrested and convicted of criminal contempt after impounding Coastal ...

Why is Shell leading B.C.’s task force on human trafficking?

Last month, B.C’s Lieutenant Governor unveiled B.C.’s new Human Trafficking Prevention Network with an unlikely ally: the President of Shell Canada, Susannah Pierce. Pierce was the executive who, in ...

Farms, fresh water, fish or fracking? We can’t have it all

February 22, 2024 | 

What’s B.C.’s most precious natural resource? It’s not oil or gas, timber or gold, farmland or hydroelectricity. It’s water, which everything else relies on. The province’s Peace region is ...

136 former B.C. government officials now work as lobbyists

January 24, 2024 | 

It’s called the “revolving door” and it’s been a problem in B.C. for years, with corporations hiring former cabinet ministers and senior bureaucrats as lobbyists. These government insiders go ...

Caught on tape: RCMP officers laugh about brutal arrests

January 18, 2024 | 

At least four different members of a controversial RCMP unit laughed about police brutality, people with disabilities and the campaign for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in ...

2024 could be the year we end oil and gas expansion in B.C.

January 4, 2024 | 

Just three days before Christmas, British Columbians received a surprise gift: a pipeline rejection. The BC Utilities Commission denied the application by FortisBC to build a $327 million gas ...