Yes, I call on the B.C. government to stop approving new fracking projects

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Keep gas in the ground!

Climate disasters like fires, floods and heatwaves are making life harder in B.C.

The science is crystal clear: unless governments stop approving new oil and gas projects now, deadly climate disasters like these will get much worse, fast.

Instead, the B.C. government is planning a massive expansion of the fracked gas industry. Tens of thousands of new fracking wells will make it impossible to meet our climate targets. And exporting and burning super polluting methane gas will lock in decades of dangerous emissions.

The fracking industry poisons B.C.’s water and pollutes the air in our homes. It causes violence to Indigenous lands and people. And it’s fuelling deadly climate breakdown.

B.C.’s biggest climate problem is fracked gas. Tell the government to keep it in the ground.